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THE BLUE BOTTLE CRAFT OF COFFEE The Blue Bottle Craft of Coffee TEN SPEED PRESS Berkeley James Freeman, Caitlin Freeman, and Tara Duggan Photography by Clay McLachlan Illustrations by Michelle Ott Growing, Roasting, and Drinking, with Recipes C ontents Introduction / 1 Grow 13 Coffee Growing / 14 Processing / 16 Getting to Know Coffee from Three Favorite Regions / 22 Farmer Profile: Lorie Obra, Hawaii / 27 Farmer Profile: Aida Batlle, El Salvador / 35 Roast 41 Roasting Day / 46 How to Roast Coffee at Home / 56 Cupping and Describing Coffee Flavors / 60 Cupping at Home / 63 Drink 69 Brewed Coffee Techniques / 70 Pour-Over Coffee / 79 French-Press Coffee / 83 Nel Drip Coffee / 88 Siphon Coffee / 95 Turkish Coffee / 99 Espresso / 101 Making Espresso / 115 Eat 131 With Your Morning Coffee / 136 Perfect for Dunking / 156 In the Afternoon / 186 From Our Friends / 206 Acknowledgments / 222 Index / 225 13 For those of us raised with the idea that coffee is a dark powder that comes in a can, it’s easy to forget that coffee actually comes from a fruit that grows on trees and is subject to seasonality and harvest cycles. Though green coffee—the term for unroasted coffee beans, which come in various shades of jade green—can be held much longer than roasted beans, coffee should preferably be consumed within a year of harvest, though that can vary depending upon how it’s packed, shipped, and stored. Once we run out of a coffee from a particular harvest, that variety is gone until the next harvest. There are cafés in Japan that feature coffees aged twenty years or more, and Italian roasters sometimes age certain beans for their espresso, but these are the rare exceptions. Fortunately, coffee is harvested almost year-round in the world’s various coffee-producing regions, which extend from well-known areas in Latin America and Africa to lesser-known regions in Taiwan and India. Hawaii is the only U.S. state with the right climate for commercial coffee production, so for most of us, coffee growing is a fairly distant and mysterious thing. This chapter will cover the basics of how and where coffee is grown, looking at how farmers and millers transform the juicy red berries from the coffee tree into green coffee beans. Then I’ll offer a more in-depth look at a few of my favorite coffee-growing regions, as well as two Grow 14 / THE BLUE BOTTLE CRAFT OF COFFEE growers Blue Bottle works closely with: Lorie Obra in Hawaii and Aida Batlle in El Salvador. I’ll also discuss issues such as organic certification and how we get access to some of the world’s best coffee, such as the online auction called Cup of Excellence. Coffee Growing The two main types of coffee that are harvested for consumption are arabica, from the species Coffea arabica, and robusta, from the species Coffea canephora (formerly known as Coffea robusta). Arabica, which is of much higher quality than robusta, accounts for around 70 percent of the coffee grown worldwide, and those of us in specialty coffee work almost exclusively with it. At Blue Bottle, the only exception are a few robustas—principally certified organic robustas from India and Madagascar—that we use to add depth and an oily body to one espresso blend. So I’ll focus on arabica here. Coffea arabica is native to Ethiopia and was the first coffee to be grown commercially. Within this species, there are thousands of varieties—called varietals in the coffee trade. Typica and Bourbon are two of the most widely grown varietals. Planting and Farming Coffee beans are the seeds inside the fruit of the coffee tree, which is actually more of a shrub. While it can grow quite tall, it is usually trimmed down to around 6 to 10 feet (1.8 to 3 m). The tree has oblong leaves, and its fruit, called the cherry, is about the size of a cranberry and has an outer skin that is dark red when ripe. Underneath the skin is the pulp, or mucilage, a sticky substance surrounding the coffee bean that is so high in sugar that it tastes sweet if you bite into it (and it’s caffeinated!). Each coffee cherry usually contains two coffee beans, each with a flat side; peaberries are a naturally occurring mutation in coffee cherries that contain only one round coffee bean in each cherry. In any case, the beans are wrapped in parchment, a thin papery layer that must be removed during processing, and under that is the silverskin, an even thinner layer that comes off, for the most part, during roasting. The ideal growing conditions for arabica coffee are a constant moderate temperature, a latitude between approximately 10 degrees north and south of the equator, and an altitude approximately 3,000 feet to 6,000 feet (915 m to 1,830 m), though coffee is grown successfully at lower altitudes. The higher the coffee is grown, the more slowly it develops and the denser the beans become, which can create more interesting flavors. Much like wine grapes grown under “stressful” conditions in great growing regions, the challenge of altitude forces coffee plants to focus their energy on developing seeds, rather than more extensive vegetative growth, which would be the plant’s inclination under less stressful circumstances. Grow / 15 Depending on climate and elevation, coffee might be grown under shade trees, which can protect both the coffee plants and the native bird species, explaining the origin of the term shade-grown. However, coffee is also traditionally grown without shade in Brazil and in places with a lot of natural rainfall, such as Hawaii. Trees start producing fruit at around three to four years of age. At this point, they’re given fertilizer and pruned regularly for easier harvest and higher yields. Irrigation is uncommon in coffee farming, which is why rainfall, storms, and drought can have a huge influence on the worldwide coffee market. Harvest Coffee is different from other fruit trees in that the plant continues to produce flowers and newly ripe cherries throughout the fruiting season, even on the same branch, which results in repeated crops—and requires a lot of hand labor for harvest. In some regions the fruiting season lasts only a few months, while in others, such as Brazil—one of the few places where mechanical harvesting is common—it lasts for about six months. Harvest timing and duration also vary depending on altitude. 16 / THE BLUE BOTTLE CRAFT OF COFFEE Because the fruiting season can last so long, some trees or branches will be full of red cherries, while others will have a mixture of blossoms, green or pink (underripe) cherries, dark red (ripe) cherries, and brown (overripe) cherries. Harvesting only ripe coffee cherries well is a skill and directly relates to higher coffee prices. So if roasters choose to buy excellent, well-harvested coffee, the farmers have an incentive to offer a premium to the best pickers. Therefore, careful harvesting can directly lead to increased standards of living for both farmers and their pickers. Yields average around 2 to 3 pounds (0.9 to 1.4 kg) of green coffee per tree per year. Each 100 pounds (45 kg) of coffee cherries results in about 20 pounds (9.1 kg) of green coffee. Processing Most small farmers send their coffee cherries to a mill, where they enter the next stage of their journey: processing. In this important step, the green coffee beans are removed from the fruit and dried to prepare them for transport. In most cases, the harvest from small farms is processed with the cherries of other nearby farms, whereas larger growers often do their own processing. However, the increased demand for single-origin microlot coffees means that some small farms do their own processing or strictly supervise the processing of their beans, keeping them separate from those of other farms (for more on this, see the profiles of Lorie Obra on page 26 and Aida Batlle on page 35). The two main processing styles used in the coffee industry are washed, also called wet, and natural, also called dry. Washed beans are washed or soaked in water to remove the outer pulp before drying, whereas natural processing means the beans remain in the cherry for drying. Within those two basic categories, there are many variations. The style of processing that’s chosen varies according to local tradition and has a lot to do with access to water. For example, natural processing is traditional in the Harar region of Ethiopia, where water is scarce. On the flip side, natural processing doesn’t work well in rainy climates because it requires a long drying period. Farmers who pay a lot of attention to processing also vary their methods depending on what works best with specific varieties and what their customers want. Washed Coff ee Washing, or wet processing, results in coffees with higher acidity and more consistency, and these are among the reasons why this is the most common processing method. The basic process goes like this: the cherries are sent through a pulping machine, which removes the outer skin, leaving the sticky mucilage, or pulp, still clinging to the beans. The beans are then soaked 18 / THE BLUE BOTTLE CRAFT OF COFFEE in water, and often gently agitated during this stage. They are then allowed to ferment for a period of time that ranges from hours to a day or two, during which time the pulp falls off. (Note that all fermentation and drying times vary greatly depending on the type of equipment used and the weather, so these are all approximations.) After fermentation, the beans are rinsed and washed and then allowed to dry, either in the sun on patios or raised beds, or in a mechanical dryer, usually for a period of four to eight days, depending on sunlight and climate. Kenya-style processing is similar to wet processing, with a longer fermentation period— often with an additional rinsing and soaking period that results in coffees with high acidity and elegance. The cherries are pulped and then fermented for eight to sixteen hours. Next, the beans are washed, then soaked in clean water, usually for six to twelve hours, but sometimes as long as forty-eight hours. Natural Coff ee Natural processing, or dry processing, is the original way of processing coffee. In this method, coffee cherries are dried whole on raised beds, mats, or patios. Some farms in Brazil let the coffee cherries dry on the tree and then harvest them when they resemble small prunes. Because the beans remain inside the fruit as it dries, this results in a very noticeable difference in aroma and flavor. For example, this is how Ethiopian natural coffees develop the fruity flavors and blueberry scents they are known for. Natural processing also results in coffee with more body and less acidity. This method does not come without risks. If the beans rest in the wet fruit for too long, the fruit will ferment and get moldy or impart a sour, yeasty taste to the coffee, so frequent raking is necessary during the drying period, which usually lasts around three weeks. The beans are then either stored in their skins for a period of months or hulled right away in a machine or by hand to remove the dried outer skin and the inner parchment. Natural coffee is a somewhat controversial topic in today’s coffee world. Some coffee professionals claim that natural processing is wrong because it allows reabsorption of some of the coffee fruit into the coffee seed, creating a characteristic fruit bomb flavor profile that can either hide subtle faults or obscure subtle virtues. Personally, I’ve had both stunningly refined dry-processed coffees and lurid, bombastic, overpowering dry-processed coffees, and I would be loath to live in a world where coffee scolds limited our access to them. Grow / 19 Pulped Natural Coff ee Popular in Brazil, pulped natural processing is a cross between wet and dry processing. It is also known as honey processing, the word honey referring to the sweet pulp. As in wet processing, the cherries are pulped, removing the outer skin but leaving the mucilage attached to the beans. But then instead of soaking, the beans are spread on large tables to dry for anywhere from five days to two weeks, with the mucilage still surrounding them. The resulting coffees are more consistent in quality than dry-processed coffees and tend to have similar characteristics, such as a lot of body and low acidity. However, they don’t develop vivid fruit notes of dry-processed coffees. Wet Hulling Wet hulling is a version of pulped natural processing used widely used in Sumatra, where it is called giling basah. It results in coffees with heavy body and low acidity. The process starts like pulped natural processing, except the coffee is only dried for about a day with the mucilage attached. Next, the beans are washed, partially dried again, and then hulled to remove the parchment before the beans finish drying. Final Steps After the first phase of processing, using one of the above methods, which is somewhat confusingly called wet milling as a whole, the coffee beans are usually stored for one to three months to help balance out their moisture levels. Then they enter a phase called dry milling, when the parchment is removed and they are sorted by size. This serves two functions: first, roasters like coffees of even size and density because this makes roasting easier. Second, larger beans often fetch a premium because the coffee is thought to have been harvested from riper cherries and might cup better. After sorting, storage time can vary, but the coffee beans should ideally arrive to customers within one year of harvest, preferably sooner. Drink / 79 Pour-Over Coffee Makes 1 serving , about 10 fluid ounces (300 ml) The two indispensable tools for making better pour-over coffee are a gram scale and a swannecked kettle. Using a swan-necked kettle will help the accuracy of your pour and, hence, improve the consistency of your extraction. Some people might rebel at paying $50 for a kettle, but how many people have paid for a pizza stone they never use or an ice cream maker that lives in the back of a kitchen cabinet? If you buy a gram scale and kettle, you’ll use them every day, and you’ll drink better coffee almost immediately. Every morning your first thoughts will coalesce around making something wonderful. Your friends will beg you to make them coffee and share your mastery. It’s money well spent. A coffee mug usually holds around 10 fluid ounces. We’re going to call that 300 milliliters. Conveniently, 1 milliliter of water (a measurement of volume) equals 1 gram (a measurement of weight). So, armed with this secret knowledge, you can proceed knowing that pouring on a tared (zeroed) gram scale tells you not only the weight of the water, but the volume of water you’ve poured. If you employ a timer as well, you’ll have relevant information about flow rate and extraction time. And if you add a thermometer, you can also collect data about temperature of extraction. Data points, before breakfast! What You’ll Need About 20 fluid ounces (21/2 cups / 590 ml) good-quality water Swan-necked kettle Gram scale 20 to 35 grams (0.7 to 1.2 oz) coffee beans Coffee grinder Thermocouple or other thermometer Ceramic coffee dripper Coffee cup Paper filter (kenaf or bamboo-based paper is best) You will need 10 fluid ounces (300 ml) of good-quality water for your coffee, so put double that amount in a kettle or other vessel used only for heating water. Why double? Because you’ll use some of the water to preheat the dripper and cup. Put the kettle over high heat. While the water is heating, weigh out the coffee; the amount depends on the brewing ratio you’ll use, from 20 grams for a 15-to-1 ratio to 30 grams for a 10-to-1 ratio. Grind the coffee finely enough that it forms a clump when pressed between your thumb and forefinger; it should feel soft but still a bit gritty. Grind size and evenness is one of the few immeasurable factors—at least at home. At the roastery, we measure particle size and distribution of the powdery particles called fines when evaluating grinders, but at home intuition rules. Change it up and try different settings to find one you like. 80 / THE BLUE BOTTLE CRAFT OF COFFEE When the water comes to a boil, pour it into the swan-necked kettle, then let it sit until the temperature is between 185°F and 205°F (85°C and 96°C). (Your choice of water temperature should be based on the type of coffee and roast level that you’re serving; see page 75.) Warm the ceramic dripper and cup with some of the remaining hot water. Put the filter in the dripper and pour in the ground coffee. The coffee should naturally take the shape of a gentle mound. Place your now-empty but warm cup on your gram scale, set the coffee-filled ceramic dripper on top, and tare the scale. Gently and slowly drizzle a small amount of hot water in the center of the mound of coffee, away from the sides of the filter and making a circle about the size of a quarter. The goal is to pour in just enough water that the coffee will absorb all of it without any liquid dripping into your cup. Coffee generally holds double its weight in water. This is easy to check if your cup, dripper, and coffee assemblage is set up on your gram scale. For example, if you have 35 grams (1.2 oz) of ground coffee in the filter and have tared the scale, add water until the scale reads 70 grams (2.5 oz). Voilà! Pouring in water in such a way that none comes out is a skill. The better you are at soaking the coffee mass evenly, then the more water it will absorb. Can you pour twice the weight of the ground coffee amount without any dripping? 1.75 times? 2.25 times? You can take satisfaction from doing this well, but it isn’t just a geeky fine point; it has an impact on the coffee you brew. It facilitates blooming, the process in which hot water causes the coffee to expand outward in a fascinating way. Allow it to bloom for 30 to 45 seconds, or up to 60 seconds for coffee roasted over 1 week previously. A slightly longer blooming time can add a lot of depth and vitality to older coffee. Pour in more water, once again pouring slowly in a small circular pattern in the middle of the filter. A light-brown cap should rise; at Blue Bottle we call it “the mushroom.” The pace of your pour should be approximately equivalent to the speed at which coffee is flowing out of the filter into your cup; in other words, the level of the mixture of coffee and water in the filter should neither rise or fall. Furthermore, the level of the mushroom should be maintained at just about two-thirds up the sides of the cone. Aim for somewhere between 1 and 2 milliliters (1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon) of water per second. There are 15 milliliters in 1 tablespoon, so that’s about 1 tablespoon per 7 to 15 seconds. Remember, extraction rate is determined by many variables beyond how fast you pour: amount of coffee, grind size, percentage of fines, and water temperature. So the pour contributes to the speed of the extraction but doesn’t define it. Don’t be frustrated if you can’t pour slowly and steadily right away. It’s a skill. Just keep practicing. Once you’ve poured the desired amount of water, remove the dripper. The coffee will taste better if you don’t let all the water flow through the filter into the cup. At the end of the brewing cycle, you are starting to extract some undesirable compounds from the coffee; keeping those away from the coffee you are drinking will produce a more delicious product. Drink your coffee, and marvel at your dedication and skill. Repeat as needed. 138 / THE BLUE BOTTLE CRAFT OF COFFEE Brown Sugar and Winter Spice Granola Makes 12 to 15 servings / Hands-on time: 25 minutes From start to finish: 2 hours, 30 minutes It would be quite a stretch to call Blue Bottle’s granola health food. Salty and sweet and broken into big slabs, it is sweetened with brown sugar syrup and delicately spiced with cinnamon and nutmeg. This recipe includes a somewhat generous measure of coarse sea salt to make it utterly crave-worthy. It’s great served with milk, fantastic with yogurt (especially Homemade Yogurt, page 141), and stupendous with fruit. The long, slow baking at a low temperature gently cooks the oats and nuts and results in a texture that’s both tender and crunchy. With the heavenly smell of toasting nuts, cinnamon, and nutmeg, you’ll find it hard to leave the granola alone while it’s in the oven. But be patient and bake it, without stirring, until crunchy and dry; this is the key to creating big chunks suitable for snacking. This recipe makes a fairly large batch size. It can easily be halved, but between the two-plus hours of bake time and the long storage life, I think it’s just as well to make a big batch. 11/2 cups (11.5 oz / 325 g) packed light brown sugar 1/3 cup (80 ml / 80 g) water 4 cups (14 oz / 400 g) rolled oats 11/2 cups (6 oz / 170 g) walnuts, coarsely chopped 11/2 cups (6 oz / 170 g) pecans, coarsely chopped 1 teaspoon freshly ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg 3/4 teaspoon Maldon sea salt (see page 165) 1/3 cup (80 ml / 71 g) canola oil 21/2 teaspoons vanilla extract Preheat the oven to 250°F (120°C). In a small heavy saucepan, combine the brown sugar and water. Cook over medium-high heat, stirring constantly, until the sugar is completely dissolved and the mixture comes to a boil. Let cool to room temperature. In a large bowl, combine the oats, walnuts, pecans, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt and mix well. Add the oil and vanilla extract to the brown sugar syrup and stir until thoroughly combined, then pour over the oat mixture. Mix well with your hands, until thoroughly combined and uniform in texture; it will be messy, but your hands are the best tool for the job. Transfer to a rimmed 13 by 18-inch (33 by 46-cm) baking sheet and pat down in an even layer; it will be thick but shouldn’t be higher than the rim of the pan. Bake for 75 minutes. Remove from oven and use a large metal spatula to flip the granola, keeping it in as large of chunks as possible. Return the granola to the oven and bake for about 60 minutes, until completely dry and no longer at all soft if you take a bite. Let cool before serving. Stored in a tightly sealed container at room temperature, the granola will keep for 2 weeks. 230 / THE BLUE BOTTLE CRAFT OF COFFEE Some of the recipes in this book include raw or poached eggs. When consumed raw, there is always the risk that bacteria, which is killed by proper cooking, may be present. For this reason, always buy certified salmonella-free eggs from a reliable grocer, storing them in the refrigerator until they are served. Because of the health risks associated with the consumption of bacteria that can be present in raw eggs, they should not be consumed by infants, small children, pregnant women, the elderly, or any persons who may be immunocompromised. The author and publisher expressly disclaim responsibility for any adverse effects that may result from the use or application of the recipes and information contained in this book. Copyright © 2012 by James Freeman Photographs copyright © 2012 by Clay McLachlan All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Ten Speed Press, an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., New York. Ten Speed Press and the Ten Speed Press colophon are registered trademarks of Random House, Inc. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file with the publisher ISBN 978-1-60774-118-3 eISBN 978-1-60774-119-0 Printed in China Design by Katy Brown 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 First Edition THE BLUE BOTTLE CRAFT OF COFFEE


Espresso Machines


Enhancing Patient and Staff Experience in Hospitals with the Thermoplan Black&White4 (BW4) Superautomatic Espresso Machine

In the healthcare sector, where comfort and care are of utmost importance, hospitals are constantly seeking ways to improve the experience for both patients and staff. The integration of the Thermoplan Black&White4 (BW4) superautomatic espresso machine presents a unique opportunity to elevate the hospital environment, offering a comforting and high-quality coffee experience to everyone within its walls. The BW4, manufactured by Thermoplan – the same company that equips Starbucks with their espresso machines, stands as a symbol of quality and reliability in coffee brewing technology.

A Diverse Range of Coffee Options for Everyone

Hospitals serve a wide range of individuals, from healthcare professionals to patients and their families. The BW4 caters to this diversity with an extensive selection of coffee beverages. Whether it’s a strong espresso to reenergize a doctor during a long shift or a gentle latte for a visiting family member, the machine’s versatility ensures that all preferences are met, providing a small but significant comfort in a hospital setting.

Consistent Quality for Comfort and Care

In a hospital, where stress levels can be high, the consistency and quality of coffee served can offer a much-needed sense of comfort. The BW4 ensures that each cup is of the highest standard, providing a reliable source of solace and refreshment. This consistency is key in maintaining a comforting atmosphere in the hospital.

Efficient and Reliable – Suited for Hospital Needs

The non-stop operation of hospitals requires solutions that are efficient and reliable. The BW4’s superautomatic functionality means that quality coffee is available 24/7, meeting the needs of staff and visitors at all hours. This efficiency is crucial, especially during peak times or in high-stress situations where quick and comforting refreshments are needed.

Operational Benefits for Hospitals

1. Ease of Use for Staff: The BW4’s user-friendly interface allows hospital staff to easily operate the machine, ensuring that they can quickly serve themselves and visitors without needing specialized barista skills.

2. Sustainable and Economical: With its automated portion control and efficient ingredient usage, the BW4 helps in reducing waste, aligning with the environmental goals of modern healthcare facilities and aiding in cost management.

3. Durability for High Demand: Designed to withstand high usage, the BW4 is ideal for the busy hospital environment, offering dependable service with minimal maintenance.

4. Compact and Space-Efficient: The BW4’s compact design makes it suitable for various spaces within a hospital, from staff break rooms to waiting areas, optimizing the use of limited space.

Creating a Supportive Environment

1. Enhancing Patient and Visitor Comfort: Offering quality coffee can significantly improve the experience of patients and visitors, providing a comforting touch during potentially stressful times.

2.  Supporting Staff Well-being: Access to high-quality coffee can be a morale booster for hospital staff, offering them a quick respite and appreciation for their hard work.

3. Building Trust and Care: The association with Thermoplan, known for supplying Starbucks, adds a layer of trust and quality to the hospital’s amenities, reflecting the institution’s commitment to providing the best care and comfort.

Conclusion Incorporating the Thermoplan Black&White4 superautomatic espresso machine into a hospital’s facilities is more than just an enhancement of its coffee services; it’s a step towards improving the overall experience for patients, visitors, and staff. The BW4 offers a reliable, efficient, and comforting element in the hospital environment, aligning with the healthcare sector’s commitment to care and comfort. With the BW4, hospitals can provide a warm and welcoming atmosphere, contributing positively to the well-being and satisfaction of everyone in the facility.

Elevating the Hotel Experience with the Thermoplan Black&White4 (BW4) Superautomatic Espresso Machine

In the hospitality industry, where comfort and luxury are paramount, hotels continually seek innovative ways to enhance the guest experience. The introduction of the Thermoplan Black&White4 (BW4) superautomatic espresso machine represents a significant leap in this endeavor, offering a sophisticated coffee experience that can become a hallmark of any hotel. Notably, Thermoplan, the manufacturer of the B&W4, is also the trusted maker of all Starbucks’ espresso machines, a testament to their excellence and reliability in the coffee machine industry.

A Symphony of Coffee Flavors for Every Guest

Hotels cater to a global clientele with diverse tastes and preferences. The BW4 addresses this beautifully with its extensive range of coffee options. From the intensity of a classic espresso to the smoothness of a cappuccino, the machine’s versatility ensures that every guest finds their preferred beverage. This array of choices not only delights guests but also adds a touch of personalized luxury to their stay.

Consistent Excellence In Every Cup

In the world of hospitality, the consistency of service is key to guest satisfaction. The BW4 delivers this by ensuring that each cup of coffee is of the highest quality. This reliability enhances the overall guest experience, making the hotel’s coffee service a point of pride and a reason for guests to return.

Efficiency Tailored for the Hotel Industry

Hotels operate around the clock, and the BW4 is perfectly suited to this environment. Its superautomatic nature means that delicious coffee is available at any time, day or night, catering to guests’ needs with speed and efficiency. This is especially valuable in busy periods such as breakfasts or after dinner, where the ability to serve multiple guests swiftly is crucial.

Operational Benefits for Hotels

1. User-Friendly for Staff: The intuitive interface of the BW4 makes it easy for hotel staff to operate, regardless of their barista skills. This ease of use ensures that all staff can provide guests with high-quality coffee, enhancing service efficiency.

2. Sustainable and Cost-Effective: The BW4’s automated portion control and efficient use of ingredients not only reduce waste but also contribute to the hotel’s sustainability goals and operational cost management.

3. High Durability for Continuous Service: Designed for high usage, the BW4 is ideal for the hotel industry’s demands, offering reliable service with minimal maintenance requirements.

4. Space-Efficient Design: The compact design of the BW4 is a perfect fit for hotels, where space is often at a premium. It can be easily integrated into various settings, from guest lounges to breakfast areas.

Enhancing the Hotel’s Ambiance and Services

1. Creating a Luxurious Atmosphere: Offering premium coffee elevates the perceived value of the hotel, enhancing the luxury experience for guests.

2. Versatile for Various Hotel Spaces: Whether in the lobby, dining area, or executive lounge, the BW4 can adapt to different spaces within the hotel, providing a consistent coffee experience throughout.

3. Guest Engagement and Satisfaction: A superior coffee offering can significantly enhance guest satisfaction, turning a simple coffee break into a memorable part of their stay.

A Mark of Quality and Trust

The fact that Thermoplan is the manufacturer behind Starbucks’ espresso machines speaks volumes about the quality and reliability of the BW4. This association with a globally recognized coffee brand adds an extra layer of trust and prestige to the BW4, making it an even more attractive addition to hotels aiming to offer the best in guest amenities.


Incorporating the Thermoplan Black&White4 superautomatic espresso machine into a hotel’s amenities is not just an upgrade to its coffee offerings; it’s an investment in guest satisfaction and operational excellence. The BW4 brings a new level of sophistication and efficiency to hotel services, enriching the guest experience and reinforcing the hotel’s commitment to quality and luxury. With the BW4, hotels can offer a distinctive and delightful coffee experience, leaving a lasting impression on guests and elevating the hotel’s reputation in the competitive hospitality market.

Transforming Convenience Stores with the Thermoplan Black&White4 (BW4) Superautomatic Espresso Machine

In the dynamic world of retail, convenience stores play a crucial role in providing quick and easy access to a variety of products. To stand out in this competitive market, embracing innovative solutions is key. This is where the Thermoplan Black&White4 (BW4) superautomatic espresso machine comes in, offering a transformative solution for convenience stores looking to elevate their customer experience.

A Spectrum of Delightful Coffee Options

Convenience stores attract a diverse clientele, each with their own unique preferences. The BW4 meets this challenge head-on, offering a wide range of coffee beverages. From robust espressos to smooth lattes, the BW4 ensures every customer finds their favorite brew. This variety not only caters to different tastes but also turns the coffee section into a highlight of the store, encouraging repeat visits.

Consistent Quality In Every Cup

For convenience store patrons, time is of the essence, but so is quality. The BW4 guarantees consistently high-quality coffee, quickly and efficiently. This consistency builds customer trust and satisfaction, making the store a go-to spot for a quick coffee break.

Efficiency and Speed for the Fast-Paced Environment

Convenience stores are synonymous with fast service. The BW4 aligns perfectly with this need, speeding up the coffee-making process without compromising on quality. This efficiency is crucial during peak hours, ensuring that customers are served swiftly and are on their way without unnecessary delays.

Operational Excellence in Convenience Stores

1. Ease of Use: The BW4’s user-friendly interface is ideal for the fast-paced convenience store environment. It allows staff to easily operate the machine, ensuring that even those without barista training can produce excellent coffee.

2. Eco-Friendly and Cost Effective: In an era where sustainability is increasingly important, the BW4’s efficient use of ingredients and automated portion control helps in reducing waste, benefiting both the environment and the store’s operating costs.

3. Durability for High Demand: Designed to handle a high volume of use, the BW4 is perfect for the busy nature of convenience stores. Its robust build minimizes the need for frequent maintenance, ensuring a continuous and reliable service.

4. Compact and Space-Efficient: Given the often limited space in convenience stores, the compact design of the BW4 is a significant advantage, allowing for optimal use of the available area.

Enhancing Customer Engagement and Store Appeal

1. Creating a Welcoming Atmosphere: A high-quality coffee offering can transform a convenience store into a warm and inviting space, encouraging customers to linger and explore other products.

2. Community Hub: Beyond serving great coffee, the BW4 can help convenience stores become local hubs where customers meet, share stories, and enjoy a quick respite from their busy lives.

3. Promotional Opportunities: The coffee area can be used for promotional activities, like loyalty programs or special offers, further driving sales and customer engagement.


Introducing the Thermoplan Black&White4 superautomatic espresso machine in convenience stores is more than just an upgrade to their coffee offerings. It’s a strategic move towards enhancing customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and overall store appeal. With the BW4, convenience stores can provide not just products, but an enjoyable experience, fostering customer loyalty and setting themselves apart in the competitive retail landscape.

Elevating Conference Centers with the Thermoplan Black&White 4 (BW4) Superautomatic Espresso Machine

In the world of modern events and conferences, the venue itself plays a pivotal role in shaping the experience for attendees. To create a memorable and welcoming atmosphere, integrating cutting-edge technology can be a game-changer. Enter the Thermoplan Black&White4 (BW4) superautomatic espresso machine – an innovation poised to revolutionize conference center settings. Whether you’re envisioning a brand-new coffee haven within the conference center or seeking to elevate an existing setup, the BW4 brings an array of benefits, perfectly aligning with the communal ambiance and networking opportunities at a conference center.

A World of Flavorful Choices

Just as conferences draw diverse groups of individuals, the BW4 caters to a multitude of tastes with its wide array of coffee options. From bold espressos to creamy lattes, this variety is pivotal in a conference center setting. Offering a diverse selection of high-quality coffee beverages can become a focal point for fostering connections, sparking ideas, and stimulating engagement among attendees.

Consistency In Every Cup

Creating a space that’s reliable and comfortable for conference-goers is essential. The BW4 ensures that each cup of coffee served maintains the highest quality, nurturing a sense of trust and satisfaction among attendees. This consistency can turn the conference center coffee corner into a preferred spot for networking, collaboration, and relaxation.

Swift and Efficient Service

Much like conferences themselves, conference centers often witness a surge in visitors within a short timeframe, especially during events, seminars, or meetings. The BW4’s superautomatic functionality accelerates the coffee-making process, ensuring prompt and efficient service. This not only minimizes waiting times but also enhances the overall experience, allowing participants to stay focused on the conference agenda.

Operational Efficiency in Conference Centers

1. User-Friendly Interface: The BW4’s intuitive interface makes it accessible for volunteers or staff to operate, regardless of their barista expertise. This feature ensures that anyone can serve up high-quality coffee with minimal training, a valuable asset in a conference center setting where efficiency is paramount.

2. Waste Reduction and Cost Efficiency: In today’s eco-conscious world, minimizing waste is a priority. The BW4’s automated portion control and efficient ingredient usage lead to reduced waste, benefitting both the environment and the conference center’s budget.

3. Durability and Reliability: Designed for high-volume usage, the BW4 can handle the demands of busy conference events without frequent maintenance requirements. Its reliability guarantees uninterrupted coffee service, keeping attendees refreshed and energized throughout the day.

4. Space Optimization: Conference centers often have limited space available. The BW4’s compact design is ideal for such settings, allowing for efficient utilization of communal areas.

Fostering Community Engagement and Outreach

1. Creating Connections: A quality coffee hub within a conference center can serve as a gathering place for fostering connections, networking, and idea exchange among attendees.

2. Extending Outreach: Beyond conferences, many conference centers also host community events. Offering exceptional coffee can serve as a valuable outreach tool, attracting participants and providing a welcoming environment for community engagement.

3. Fundraising Opportunities: The conference center coffee corner can be utilized for fundraising, with proceeds directed toward various initiatives, projects, or charitable efforts. This not only amplifies the impact of the conference center but also contributes to broader community outreach endeavors.


Incorporating a Thermoplan Black&White4 superautomatic espresso machine into conference centers presents a unique opportunity to elevate community engagement, operational efficiency, and outreach potential. It goes beyond a simple coffee upgrade; it’s an investment in cultivating a more welcoming, connected, and vibrant conference center community. With the BW4, your conference center can offer an exceptional coffee experience that leaves a lasting impression on attendees, nurturing a sense of unity, collaboration, and innovation in your event space.

Faith Meets Flavor: Transforming Church Gatherings with the Thermoplan Black&White4

Introducing the Thermoplan Black&White4 (BW4) superautomatic espresso machine into church settings, whether for establishing a new coffee shop within the church or upgrading an existing setup, offers a plethora of benefits. This machine stands as a beacon of quality and efficiency, aligning perfectly with the communal and welcoming atmosphere of a church.

Enhanced Community Experience

1. Diverse Beverage Options: The BW4 caters to a wide range of preferences with its array of coffee choices, from strong espressos to smooth lattes. This variety is vital in a church setting, where the congregation comprises individuals with varied tastes. Offering a broad selection of high-quality coffee beverages can make the coffee shop a gathering point for fellowship and engagement.

2. Consistent Quality: Consistency is crucial in building a community space. The BW4 ensures every cup is of high quality, fostering a sense of reliability and comfort among the congregation. This consistency can help turn the church coffee shop into a preferred spot for socializing and relaxation.

3. Speed and Efficiency: Churches often see a high influx of people in a short time, especially around services or events. The BW4’s superautomatic nature accelerates the coffee-making process, serving the congregation swiftly and efficiently, reducing wait times, and enhancing the overall experience.

Operational Benefits for Church Coffee Shops

1. Ease of Use: The BW4’s user-friendly interface makes it easy for volunteers or staff to operate, crucial in a church setting where the operators may not be professional baristas. This feature ensures that anyone can make quality coffee with minimal training.

2. Reduced Waste and Cost Efficiency: Automated portion control and efficient ingredient usage lead to reduced waste, which is environmentally and economically beneficial for churches mindful of stewardship and budget.

3. Durability and Reliability: Built for high-volume use, the BW4 is robust enough to handle busy Sunday services and church events, ensuring continuous operation without the need for frequent maintenance.

4. Compact Design: The machine’s compact footprint is ideal for church settings, where space can be a premium, allowing for more effective use of the church’s community areas.

Community Engagement and Outreach

1. Fostering Fellowship: A quality coffee shop can become a hub for fellowship and community building within the church, providing a warm and inviting space for members to connect.

2. Outreach Opportunities: Offering excellent coffee can also be an outreach tool, attracting non-members and providing a welcoming environment for community engagement.

3. Fundraising Potential: The coffee shop can serve as a means for fundraising, with proceeds going towards church missions, projects, or community aid initiatives.


The integration of a Thermoplan Black&White4 superautomatic espresso machine into church coffee shops or cafes provides a unique opportunity to enhance community engagement, operational efficiency, and outreach potential. It’s more than just an upgrade to a coffee setup; it’s an investment in building a more welcoming and connected church community.

Brewing Success in Catering: The Thermoplan Black&White4 Advantage

Incorporating the Thermoplan Black&White4 (BW4) superautomatic espresso machine into catering services can significantly enhance the quality of service and operational efficiency, offering a superior coffee experience to clients.

Elevated Catering Experience

1. Diverse Beverage Options: The BW4 provides a wide selection of coffee beverages, from classic espressos to creamy cappuccinos, accommodating the varied preferences of guests at catering events. This variety ensures that every guest can enjoy a coffee beverage that suits their taste, adding a personalized touch to the catering service.

2. Consistent Quality Across Events: Consistency is crucial in catering, where reputation is built on reliably excellent service. The BW4 guarantees consistent quality in every cup, ensuring that guests receive the same high standard of coffee at every event, enhancing the caterer’s reputation for quality.

3. Speed and Efficiency in Service: Catering events often serve a large number of guests in a short time frame. The superautomatic nature of the BW4 speeds up the coffee-making process, enabling caterers to serve high volumes of guests efficiently, reducing wait times and enhancing guest satisfaction.

Operational Advantages For Caterers

1. Ease of Use and Training: The BW4’s user-friendly interface simplifies operation, which is particularly beneficial in the catering industry where staff may need quick training for different events. This ease of use ensures high-quality coffee service even with temporary or rotating staff.

2. Reduced Waste and Cost-Effectiveness: Automated portion control and efficient ingredient usage of the BW4 minimize waste, which is both environmentally responsible and economically beneficial, helping caterers manage costs effectively.

3. Durability and Reliability for High-Volume Use: Designed for high-volume output, the BW4 is robust and reliable, essential for the demanding and varied environments of catering events. Its durability ensures consistent performance, event after event.

4. Portable and Compact Design: The compact size of the BW4 is ideal for caterers who often have to set up in different locations and limited spaces. Its portability does not compromise on functionality, making it a versatile option for various event types.

Marketing and Business Growth

1. Enhanced Brand Image: Providing premium quality coffee with a machine like the BW4 can significantly boost a catering company’s brand image. It positions the caterer as a high-end service provider, appealing to clients who seek luxury and quality.

2. Increased Client Satisfaction and Revenue: Offering superior coffee options can lead to higher client satisfaction and the potential for increased revenue. Clients are often willing to pay a premium for exceptional food and beverage services, including high-quality coffee.

3. Flexibility for Themed and Specialty Events: The flexibility of the BW4 allows caterers to offer custom or themed coffee beverages, aligning with specific event themes or client requests, adding a unique and personalized aspect to their service.


Integrating a Thermoplan Black&White4 superautomatic espresso machine into catering operations presents significant benefits. It enhances the catering experience with a variety of quality coffee options, ensures operational efficiency with its user-friendly and durable design, and contributes to business growth through enhanced brand image and client satisfaction. For caterers looking to elevate their service and stand out in a competitive market, the BW4 offers a compelling solution.

Crafting Excellence: The Thermoplan Black&White4 as the Ultimate Choice for Cafés

The Thermoplan Black&White4 (BW4) superautomatic espresso machine stands out in the competitive café industry for several key reasons, making it a superior choice over other machines in the market. Its unique features, such as modularity, advanced milk frothing system, and the prestigious reputation garnered by being the chosen manufacturer for Starbucks, place it in a league of its own.

Exceptional Features of the Black&White4

1. Modularity for Minimal Downtime: One of the most compelling features of the BW4 is its modular design. This innovative approach allows for individual components to be easily replaced or serviced without the need to dismantle the entire machine. For cafés, this means minimal downtime and disruption. If a part needs servicing or replacement, it can be swiftly exchanged, keeping the machine operational and ensuring continuous service. This reliability and efficiency are crucial in maintaining a steady flow of business.

2. Advanced Milk Frothing System: The BW4’s state-of-the-art milk frothing system is another distinguishing feature. It delivers consistently high-quality, perfectly textured milk foam, essential for a wide range of popular coffee beverages like lattes and cappuccinos. The ability to produce barista-level milk frothing automatically not only enhances the quality of the drinks but also allows for more intricate latte art, adding a touch of sophistication and craftsmanship to each cup. This level of quality can elevate the overall customer experience and satisfaction.

3. Starbucks’ Manufacturer of Choice: The fact that all of Starbucks’ espresso machines are made by the same manufacturer as the BW4 speaks volumes about its quality and reliability. Starbucks, a global leader in the coffee industry, requires equipment that meets its high standards for consistency, reliability, and efficiency. The B&W4’s association with such a reputable brand serves as a testament to its superior performance and durability. For cafes, using a machine that is trusted by a coffee giant like Starbucks can be a significant selling point, reassuring customers of the quality and reliability of the beverages served.

Competitive Edge in the Market

The combination of these features gives the BW4 a competitive edge over other espresso machines in the market:

Reliability and Efficiency: Its modular design ensures that cafes experience minimal operational disruption, which is critical for maintaining customer service and satisfaction.

Quality Assurance: The advanced milk frothing system guarantees a consistently high standard of coffee beverages, which can help in attracting and retaining a discerning clientele.

Brand Prestige: Being associated with a brand like Starbucks adds a level of prestige and trustworthiness, potentially drawing in customers who are looking for a high-quality coffee experience.


The Thermoplan Black&White4’s unique combination of modularity, advanced milk frothing capabilities, and its status as the espresso machine of choice for Starbucks, positions it as an exceptional option for cafes. It’s not just an espresso machine; it’s a comprehensive solution that addresses the critical needs of efficiency, quality, and reliability in the café industry, making it a standout choice over other machines on the market.

Elevating Airport Experiences: How the Thermoplan Black&White4 Transforms Travel

Integrating a Thermoplan Black&White4 superautomatic espresso machine in airports can significantly elevate the travel experience for passengers while streamlining operations for airport vendors.

Enhanced Traveler Experience

1. Diverse Beverage Options: This espresso machine provides a wide array of coffee choices, from robust espressos to smooth cappuccinos, catering to the diverse tastes of global travelers. For passengers, especially those in transit or dealing with flight delays, access to a variety of quality coffee beverages is a comforting amenity.

2. Consistent Quality: The Black&White4 guarantees consistent quality in every cup, an important factor for travelers seeking reliable and familiar tastes amidst the stress and unpredictability of travel.

3. Speed and Efficiency: Airports are high-traffic environments where time is of the essence. The superautomatic nature of this machine expedites the coffee-making process, reducing wait times significantly, which is crucial for travelers rushing to catch flights.

Operational Advantages

1. Ease of Use: With its user-friendly interface, the machine is easy for staff to operate, an advantage in airports where quick training of diverse, often multi-lingual staff is required.

2. Reduced Waste and Cost Efficiency: The machine’s automated portion control and efficient ingredient usage reduce waste, leading to environmental and economic benefits – crucial in the context of sustainable airport operations.

3. Durability and Reliability: Designed for high usage, the Black&White4 is robust enough to handle the continuous demand of busy airport locations, minimizing downtime and maintenance needs.

4. Compact Design: Space is a premium in airports. The machine’s compact size allows for efficient use of space, fitting well in various airport settings, from lounges to fast-food counters.

Marketing and Revenue Generation

1. Brand Enhancement: Offering high-quality coffee can improve the airport’s image, associating it with premium services. This can be particularly appealing to business and luxury travelers.

2. Increased Revenue: Premium coffee is often a profitable item. By offering high-quality coffee, airports can see an increase in per-passenger spending, potentially boosting overall revenue.

3. Seasonal Promotions: The versatility of this machine supports the creation of seasonal or themed beverages, which can be synchronized with holidays or cultural events, adding to the airport’s marketing initiatives and enhancing the passenger experience.


Incorporating a Thermoplan Black&White4 superautomatic espresso machine into airport operations can significantly improve the passenger experience by providing convenience, quality, and variety in beverage options. In addition to operational benefits like ease of use, reduced waste, and efficiency, this integration also offers potential for increased revenue and brand enhancement, aligning well with the dynamic and diverse environment of airports.